Sunday, June 1, 2008

Message (06/01/08)

John 14:1-2
View from Above!

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Introduction: There’re at least three different views of life—a view that looks up to life [and its problems] from the bottom-line, a view that looks straight to life face-to-face, and a view that looks life down from above (a bird-eye view). There’re different outcomes and reactions that each is worth to receive. For instance, for a young boy, who looks up everything from the bottom, life is just to cry and give up. And for a teenager, who sees everyone in class as his compatriots, life is a competition to strive for and a battle to fight with. However, for a grown-up, who has to look after all the down-to-earth needs of family, life is to love, forgive, and even to be patient with for all wrong doings of dear children. Basing on John’s Gospel (Ch. 13-17), we can learn about spiritual bird-eye view through the life-story of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Expressed It by His Example (13:1-38): Has someone ever thought that why our Christian life seems so difficult to live sometime, i.e., to forgive, love, be humble and patient with, and to grace and bless others? If we look at how Jesus lived his life, we get all answer right there. Especially, in Ch. 13, John clearly mentioned how Jesus showed a life of humility (vv. 1-20), patience/forgiveness (vv. 21-30, 36-38), and love (vv. 31-35) before his rivaling disciples. All this was because, as John clearly noted, of that Jesus viewed life from a higher ground—a heavenly outlook (vv. 3-5). As he noticed himself exalted high above all to be their Lord/Master (v. 13) and even their single parent (v. 33), so is not difficult for him to sit down and wash all those dirty feet of his dear children/pupils. A view from higher ground!

We Are Called to Live It (14:1-31): Being born of God’s love and grace [truth from above], we are supernaturally tuned in to live this life by the help of the Holy Spirit. Accordingly, by quoting the words of Jesus Christ, John is giving us four major reasons of this life to live in Ch. 14. Firstly, we are no longer of this world below but citizen of heaven above to view life from a higher ground (vv. 1-7). Secondly, we are in higher position than the world that fight for fame and glory, to ask [even demand] directly to God and instantly receive it in Jesus’ name (vv. 8-14). Thirdly, we have the abiding presence of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit, warm and fresh deep down in our hearts, that teaches us from inside (vv. 15-26). Fourthly, we have the peace of Jesus that is not the kind that the world can give (vv. 27-31). It’s even a heavenly peace! Therefore, we have perfect potential nature to view life from a higher ground and live it in the midst of turmoil and chaos, difficulty and hardship of present life.

The advantage of eagle in the middle of the storm is his enormous strength to soar over it. Therefore, those disastrous storms and winds are the best opportunity for him to soar high above to the sky and have a perfect view from above to search for helpless preys running on the ground. Looking at life from “high above” will give us another chance to understand life from a different perspective and open up again new opportunities in life though encircled around by difficulties and hardships if to view side-by-side or to view up from below. As believers in Jesus Christ, we have that privilege—to view life down from above!

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