Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sunday Worship Service Guide

Date - June 1, 2008
Praise/Worship – Berakah Team
Presider – Pastor Jonathan Kim
  • Meditation (ODB): 0000000

  • Invocation: Ps. Jonathan Kim

  • Praise & Worship: Berakah Team

  • Special Prayer: Ms. Kim GC

  • Message: Ps. Thang
    View from Above” John 13:3-5; 14:1-2

  • Announcement: Administrator

  • Offering & Prayer: Presider

  • Hymn/Special Song: (any)

  • Benediction: Preacher

Fellowship will follow afterward!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bible Reading & Quiz

This weekend, we're going to discuss the Word of God basing on John 13-14. To have a comprehensive overview on the chapters, please, try the player as you go on reading from NIV. Further, there're some questions provided below, to help remember the general content of the chapters.

Bible Quiz:
    From John 13
  1. What is the name of the Jewish feast? Can you locate the origin of the feast in the Old Testament (name of the Book and chapter number)?

  2. Can you find the same story of foot washing in other Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke? If, yes, where (each chapter number)?

  3. Two of disciples are mentioned by name in Ch. 13. Who are they?

  4. From John 14
  5. What encouragement did Jesus say at the beginning of this chapter?

  6. There are three questions raised by three disciples in this chapter. Who are they and what questions did they raise?

  7. What is the uniqueness (special distinctiveness) of the relationship of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ mentioned in this chapter?

* You can find the answers (or at least precise Bible references for correct answers) somewhere in the Bulletin this coming Sunday. Wait!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Message (05/25/08)

John 10:10
Beyond this Wall!
(to listen please try the player)

Introduction: There’re many barriers/walls in our life that hinder us from seeing the truth of God’s best for our lives. So, we admit that we have ear but not hear and we have eye but not see. Out of many, John is pointing out some hindrances that we need to take off from our lives in the section between Ch. 9 and 12. In brief, they are unforgettable past memory, very deceptive present realities, attractive future, and momentary impressions of life.

Unforgettable Past Memory (9:1-41): In the beginning of Ch. 9, we see a story of a man born blind. The problem with many, supposed to help him, was the problem with the past memory about this man and his family (v. 2). Breaking through this wall, in contrast, Jesus, seeing this man healed by God’s power right away, proclaimed that this be for God’s glory instead (v. 3). However, to this public healing, many people were still stagnant to believe. The reason is that they were so much tied up by the tradition of the past that say not to lift even a small log of wood on Sabbath (vv. 13-16). This is the call to see beyond that past.

Deceptive Present Realities (10:1-42): Ch. 10 is one of the most beautiful chapters of John, parallel to Psalms 23. However, in the midst, there’re very negative expressions such as to “stone” and “seize” Jesus (vv. 31, 39). In fact, this “gate” appears not an easy entrance. It’s even a narrow gate (cf., Matt. 7:13; Luke 13:24). However, John wants us to see beyond the present narrow appearance of this doorway as Jesus himself promised a life of pasture inside (v. 9). Yes, sometime our present experiences are also deceptive. Therefore, we’d rather concentrate on what God has in store for us beyond our present hardships.

Attractive Far Future (11:1-57): Ch. 11 is basically about the resurrection of Lazarus. The problem that John depicts here is with Mary and Martha themselves. They were so much occupied with the hope of resurrection that they confined it only in the remote future (vv. 23-24). In this way, even this very attractive future can also become another hindrance not to enjoy God’s best in our life. The call of Jesus here was for the recent future (‘right now’, vv. 40-42). While waiting for the fullness of God’s blessing in the Last day, let us also see beyond that distant future, believing that God can also do something for us here right now.

Momentary Impressions of Life (12:1-50): To give a pause, Ch. 12 wraps up the theme with the stories of pouring of perfume, triumphal entry to Jerusalem, and related teachings of Jesus. This small section also reflectively teaches us that things in life, though very impressive and good at glance, are also deceptive sometime (cf., “giving to poor” in v. 5, “favor of the multitude” in vv. 12, 42). Therefore, John invites us with the very words of Jesus to see beyond those impressive things of life but choose God’s best in life (v. 24).

This is the call of John today to look at beyond our own walls until clearly see the deeper truth that would always whisper saying, “Don’t worry! God is in control of everything, God has something good in store for us in Jesus Christ, God is ever close to hear our prayer, and God has some better reasons to let us go through this tricky passage of life sometime.” So, in any and every situation, let us not forget John 10:10 after all.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Bible Reading

This Sunday, we are going to discuss the Word of God basing on John 9-12. For a comprehensive overview, please, listen to the chapters by clicking following player as you go on reading from NIV.
id="xspf_player" align="middle" height="100" width="400">

bgcolor="#e6e6e6" name="xspf_player" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain"
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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sunday Worship Service Guide

Date - May 25, 2008 (1:30 pm)
Praise/Worship – Berakah
TeamPresider – Pastor Jonathan Kim

  • Meditation (ODB):
  • Invocation: Ps. Jonathan Kim
  • Praise & Worship: Berakah Team
  • Special Prayer: Ms. Kim GC
  • Message: Ps. Thang
    "Beyond this Wall" John 10:10
  • Announcement: Administrator
  • Offering & Prayer: Presider
  • Hymn/Special Song: (any)
  • Benediction: Preacher

After service, we're going to have a short time of fellowship and interaction. Please, stay!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Message (05/18/08)

John 8:32
Truth to Bless Us!

(to listen, please, click below)

Introduction: There would never have been a more repeated question than “what is truth?” However, men’s search for truth has always been ended up in public debates, unending quarrels, and civil wars. With incomplete knowledge of truth, we ruled, judged, and resolved. However, to resolve rightly, we usually borrow a judgment of third party [not ‘You’ and ‘I’]. That means that ‘You’ and ‘I’ don’t have final right to claim ‘truth’. In the Gospel, John teaches us the truth—that is not from men [‘you’, ‘I’, and ‘they’] but—from God himself. That truth became flesh and is called Jesus Christ. Only in that truth, we can find a truth that graces and blesses us. This is the truth that feeds, shares, and sets us free.

Truth Not to Claim for Self But to Feed (6:1-71): Ch. 6 is opened with the miracle of feeding five thousands. This selected story defines what is all about the truth that came from God. The coming of Jesus Christ, the truth of God, is not to claim political supremacy as was expected, but to serve and feed us simply (vv. 5, 15). This is the truth to feed us! In relation to this, there’s an important question that John is inciting is “how would Jesus feed us?” From the bottom of his heart, the promise that Jesus made is that he would be more than willing to serve/feed us even by breaking off his own flesh and giving his own blood (vv. 35, 55). Because of this self-giving nature, many, who only value their own goods, found a big disagreement with Jesus Christ, who is the truth from God to feed others (vv. 60, 66).

Truth Not to Self-promote But to Share/Give (7:1-53): Ch. 7 describes a conversation of Jesus and his physical brothers in relation to the feast of Tabernacle, the best opportunity to show up publicly (v. 4). However, the truth of God is not something to promote public recognition for one’s fame and glory (v. 18). The all interest of Jesus Christ, the very truth from God, is to share and give everything of him to his people instead (vv. 37-39). By selectively referring to the Holy Spirit, John is depicting that Jesus Christ is more than willing to share everything inside and outside of him. For the Holy Spirit is the top secret of the life of Jesus Christ and His power-source (cf., Mt. 1:20; Jn. 1: 32; 3:34). Now, Jesus Christ is even thinking of to share this secret to those who willing. No special private portion left behind; but, this is the truth to share and give everything rather!

Truth Not to Judge But to Set Free (8:1-59): To put a minor climax, Ch. 8 records the story of sinful woman brought in by religious leaders to condemn (v. 5). However, the nature of God’s truth is not plain just to condemn, but is rather to give new life by meeting the real need of individual. If so, what does this woman need the most to live a different lifestyle, condemnation or forgiveness? Forgiveness! Yes, Jesus Christ promises never to condemn her past, but demands to live a new life (v. 11). This is the truth to forgive us and set us free to freely live a new guiltless life with a new dream, thought and feeling.

Yes, this is the truth that set us free by graciously meeting our real need, i.e., forgiveness for sinners, spiritual empowerment for weak disciples, and feeding (or even giving self to) the hungry multitudes. Therefore, let us say that this is the “TRUTH TO BLESS US.”

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sunday Worship Service Guide

Date – May 18, 2008 (01:20-2:30 PM)
Praise/Worship – Berakah Team
Presider – Pastor Jonathan Kim

  • Meditation (ODB): 0000000
  • Invocation: Ps. Jonathan Kim
  • Praise & Worship: Berakah Team
  • Special Prayer: Ms. Kim JA
  • Message: Ps. Thang
    "Truth To Bless Us!" John 8:32
  • Announcement: Administrator
  • Offering & Prayer: Presider
  • Hymn/Special Song: (any)
  • Benediction: Preacher

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Another Prayer Concern for Myanmar (Burma)

A recent weather forecast, released by the The Hawaii-based Joint Typhoon Warning Center and as of referred to by the Yahoo News, mentions that another significant tropical Cyclone may form (is forming) within the next 24 hours, that would head to the same Irrawaddy delta area, the region that recent Nargis had seriously hit in Myanmar. Please, remember this in your prayer. For detail, please, follow the link Yahoo News.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Message (05/11/08)

John 5:1-10
The Time Has Come (It’s Our Turn)!
(To listen please click below)

Introduction: If to follow the language of physics, we are controlled by time/space. It’s true especially for postmodern society, in which we say “time is money.” The same time, being fortune-hunters, we are all waiting for a time in life to claim “now is my turn (time)!” However, when a Samaritan woman met him, Jesus declared “the time has now come” (4:23). And again, when meeting the officer, Jesus promised healing of his son and the son was healed at that very moment (v. 53). Yes, “time” is a major concept of John’s Gospel (1:1; 2:4; 2:3; 3:29; 4:6, 8, 35; etc.). And the truth that John wanted to reflect here is that the time we meet Jesus [or the time we begin a good relationship with God] is the very hour/time that we have been waiting for. So, let us say, “In Jesus Christ, it’s my turn.” For the time has now come!

A Better Day of Life (4:1-16): The first cycle of this story is mostly about the individual life of Samaritan woman (the next is about religious life of the time, vv. 17-42). This woman was depicted as having been waiting for a better day in her life even after five husbands gone (v. 18). Her thirst for real happiness, lasting satisfaction, secure peace couldn’t have come but only bitter divorce and loneliness, instead. However, the time has now come as she met Jesus that day. Jesus promised a life that would never be thirsty again (v. 14). It’s for her and also for everyone who had left/afflicted her (v. 16) and even for the whole village (v. 39).

A Perfect Time & Place for Worship: Then again, in light of continuing story, we know that Jews and Samaritans alike were waiting for some time, a time when Messiah would come and teach them true worship (v. 25). They expected the coming Messiah would fulfill God’s promises in their history so they would be able to truly worship God (vv. 19-20). To that expectation of a perfect time and place in history, Jesus said “the time has now come” (vv. 21, 23). The time for true religiousness/godliness has come in Jesus Christ. He himself is that perfect time! The time has now come for our salvation, true worship, and blessing!

A Time of Healing for Family: Following this, John connected the event with another miracle in Capernaum (4:46-54) as there’s a close relationship between. Here, the officer was deadly battling with time as his son was on his deathbed (v. 47). However, to his desperate situation, Jesus just said a word, saying “your son will live” (v. 50). The shortest condolence and easiest treatment ever made!! To all surprise, the Bible says that his son was healed the exact time at which he met Jesus and counseled his case with him (v. 53). Let us bring all our cares and concerns to Jesus, and our turn will come at that very moment.

Now, It’s Our Turn! To comment all these, here’s a healing of a paralyzed man (5:1-12). He’d been waiting for his turn to get the first place getting into the pool when water stirred. For this uncertain future, thirty eight years had gone (v. 5). However, in spite of all this uncertainty and difficulty, it became so easy to be healed when he met Jesus, who said just three words, “get up, pick up your mat, and walk” (v. 8). Yes, so easy, just to get up and walk (v. 9). The time has now come when we meet Jesus. So, let’s say “it’s our turn.”

Friday, May 9, 2008

Sunday Worship Service Guide

Date – May 11, 2008
Praise/Worship – Berakah Team
Presider – Pastor Jonathan Kim

  • Meditation (ODB): 0000000
  • Invocation: Ps. Jonathan Kim
  • Praise & Worship: Berakah Team
  • Special Prayer: Ms. Kim JA
  • Message: Ps. Thang
    "The Time Has Come" John 5:1-10
  • Announcement: Administrator
  • Offering & Prayer: Presider
  • Hymn/Special Song: (any)
  • Benediction: Preacher

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hour of Prayer for the Nations!

Let us remember the country, Myanmar, and its devasting moment in our prayer as we listen to a recent news released by media. Please, try following link for detail at Yahoo News.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Message (05/04/2008)

Born Anew!
John 3:3-5, 9, 16
(sorry for no audio record!)

Introduction: We are living in the limitation of our own nature/self. Therefore, to live a different way, we need a different token of life. So is the call of Jesus to be born anew by the Spirit of God and with a new conviction of God's love and grace in order to enter the Kingdom of God (cf., vv. 15-16). To John the gospel-writer, this spiritual birth—or to be born anew—is to be born again by God's Spirit, the very divine nature that is full of God's love and grace, and truth and power. Actually, this is the life that Jesus Christ had given birth by his painful death and designed to be full of heavenly taste and flavor—love, grace, power—in one's real life by the indwelling of God's Spirit.

Changing of Water to Wine: To introduce this new birth, John presented the miracle of changing of water to wine (2:1). This event represents two different designs of life—a design that men made by themselves (to celebrate their wedding) and a solution that Jesus designed to help save us. However, there are some preparatory steps to let Jesus make his design. They are a welcome invitation (v. 2) and a willful submission (vv. 3-8). Upon this readiness, Jesus started his solution process that results a miraculous change of tasteless water to the best wine. This is the call to be born anew into a life being full of taste and flavor, by the touch of God's embrasing love, forgiving grace, and saving power!

Cleansing of Jerusalem Temple: Then again, John continued his account to the cleansing of the Temple. It also represents two different sets of life-design (v. 13). The then temple, being rebuilt and designed by Herod the great, simply represents a life designed after men's own way or selfishness that is full of bully cow, stupid sheep, empty dove, noisy coins, etc. (v. 14). In this stage, the cleansing itself reflects the God-designed-restoration of the original image of what the real temple should be (v. 16). Because this is the Temple, meant for worship, Jesus does not need any invitation here. Just he went there and cleansed it. Born anew into a life of holiness and complete restoration!

Parting and Meeting: However, at some point, there are some people who are so much stiff-naked to humbly receive this new life so many times. For they are full of their own self-designed ambition, self-interest, and self-prioritization (v. 24), so are not able to tune in with God in their lives. For such kind of poor fellow, nothing can be done except to avoid them sadly. Therefore, this is the call of Jesus Christ to Nicodemus to be born anew leaving his big self behind and taking on God's new design of life designed by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and designed in the light of God's embracing love and His forgiving grace and saving power (3:1-16).

Conclusion: In contrast to man's self-made designs of life (that ends in shame, destruction, and death), God's new design of life is promised to exist even with everlasting quality, "eternal life" (vv. 15-16). Therefore, this is a life, full of heavenly taste and flavor, and is so pure and holy to be God's dwelling place by His Holy Spirit. In fact, this is about being born anew to becoming the eternal temple—dwelling—of God, that is full of true love, grace, mercy, power and eternal glory and beauty. Born of love, grace, and power!!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Sunday Worship Service Guide

Date - May 4, 2008
Praise/Worship – Berakah Team
Presider – Pastor Jonathan Kim

  • Invocation: Presider
  • Praise & Worship: Berakah Team
  • Special Prayer: Mr. ST Lee
  • Message: Ps. Thang
    “Born Anew” John 3:3-5, 9, 16
  • Announcement: Administrator
  • Offering & Prayer: Presider
  • Hymn/Special Song: (any)
  • Benediction: Preacher

Book to order before Christmas!

Emmanuel Blessing ဧမာနွေလကောင်းကြီး By Rev. Thang San Mung